Sunday was a day of rest and relaxation for me. I decided to go out and get a good chick flick and spend my evening sprawled out on the couch.
I rented the movie "The Notebook". And oh, I cried. It was just a beautiful love story about two people in with this passion for one another. Do I think a love like this exists? Meh, I don't know. I think that love can feel that way at times but it's not realistic to think that this can last. Or is it?
Have you ever been so attracted to someone that you just wish you could devour them? Ya ok, wait, I don't mean eat them (necessarily). Have you ever felt like you just wanted your body to meld with someone else's while you are laying there in their arms? I don't just mean this in a sexual way. I'm dreaming about intimacy and love.
I know and I'm sorry. This movie just got under my skin. I'm a sap.
Truth is, I've been thinking about this post for a couple of days now. I had it pretty much written in my head. Sitting here now, I can't find it.
Until next time.